Wednesday, October 29, 2014

E-com on Community Development

Community development

Communities consist of individuals, families, groups, organisations and institutions, all of which contribute to and affect the development of the whole. Often they are sources of untapped skills, expertise and knowledge which, if encouraged and stimulated, can contribute not only to the development of an individual community itself, but to society in general.

Today's commercial organisations harness networked technology to improve business efficiency and effectiveness. Similarly, modern electronic community networks provide both community information and a means of electronic communication within and between communities.

Community information resources

Clearly the type of information provided is a central issue to the success of any community information resource, and community-based Internet initiatives are no different. The information needs of any community can only be ascertained by an exhaustive exercise of community analysis or profiling. In other words, it is essential that the community is given the fullest opportunity to participate in the process by being asked about their information needs.

For a community information resource to be relevant to a community, it must also be accessible.

Most people today still do not have computers in their homes, and even fewer have modems which enable access to online information resources. This means a mechanism must be found which enables people to 'drop-in' to sites located throughout the community.

Public access points which encourage the 'drop-in' visitor can be situated in locations such as community centres, libraries, schools, health centres. Even pubs and supermarkets might be considered suitable locations.

However, access is not simply an issue of public access points and their geographic location alone. Citizens must be able to use the technology and have the capability to use the information. Because these are skills that most people still do not possess, the issue of access should be linked to training, education and learning.

Social role of community networks

Information and communication technologies can underpin and aid the activities taking place within a community, but they do not replace them and are no substitute for them. Community networks are primarily social networks which harness technology to provide an additional means of communication between individuals/groups/organisations, etc..

Community networks can facilitate the sharing of information between organisations, and thereby encourage co-operation and collaboration between them. This approach can be particularly useful to the voluntary sector, by pooling resources in this way, organisations can avoid duplication of effort; put clients in touch with other appropriate organisations and agencies; and meet the needs of their client groups more effectively and efficiently.

Community centres make ideal public access points, or nodes on the community network because they are often the hub of existing social networks. ICT can be used to reinforce these social networks by strengthening existing, and developing new relationships between community groups, organisations and individuals.

A community centre also provides the ideal setting for community run ICT training and education courses. Schools, public libraries, supermarkets and even pubs, in fact anywhere where people meet and communicate can be used to provide some form online access.

Radio is very powerful because it reaches a huge audience quickly and because it allows
the people in that huge audience to interact with one another more easily than television
viewers or newspaper readers.

Benefits of Radio

Reaching the public - Radio is the most accessible of media because it can accompany
you in whatever you do, and wherever you go:

1 Driving in a car
2 Working in the fields
3 Cooking dinner

You don't need to be literate or rich to listen to radio or to take advantage of its resources.
In fact, educators and organizations have found that radio is the best way to get important
messages across.It is inclusive. Radio can reach most people, including the poor,
the marginalized and those who cannot read or write.

Reaching the public now - Radio is immediate. It is the modern equivalent of the village
story-teller. Through words, sounds and the human voice, radio talks to an audience
directly. It gives listeners the stories they need to know in order to better understand the world.

Now, fast developing technology is fueling an information revolution. The new media, digital broadcasting and the internet are sweeping away the limitations of the analogue world. 

The nature of the relationship between the broadcaster and its audience is changing. We are broadcasting online grabbing the ears and eyes of netizens, have the potential to become viable alternatives to on-air broadcasting. 

The reach of broadcasting stations is limited by signal range, whereas online broadcasting is available wherever internet coverage is available. There are no boundaries.


Day, P. (1997, January 1). The community benefits of electronic networking. Retrieved October 17, 2014.

E-com on Knowledge Management and Information

Why Knowledge Management Is Important?

Knowledge Management, (KM) is a concept and a term that arose approximately two decades ago, roughly in 1990. Davenport (1994) offered the still widely quoted definition:

"Knowledge management is the process of capturing, distributing, and effectively using knowledge."

This definition has the virtue of being simple, stark, and to the point. A few years later, the Gartner Group created another second definition of KM, which is perhaps the most frequently cited one (Duhon, 1998):

"Knowledge management is a discipline that promotes an integrated approach to identifying, capturing, evaluating, retrieving, and sharing all of an enterprise's information assets. These assets may include databases, documents, policies, procedures, and previously un-captured expertise and experience in individual workers."

Facilitates Decision-Making Capabilities

Importance of decision making
1. Implementation of managerial function: Without decision making different managerial function such as planning, organizing, directing, controlling, staffing can’t be conducted. In other words, when an employee does, s/he does the work through decision making function. Therefore, we can say that decision is important element to implement the managerial function.

2. Pervasiveness of decision making: the decision is made in all managerial activities and in all functions of the organization. It must be taken by all staff. Without decision making any kinds of function is not possible. So it is pervasive.

3. Evaluation of managerial performance: Decisions can evaluate managerial performance. When decision is correct it is understood that the manager is qualified, able and efficient. When the decision is wrong, it is understood that the manager is disqualified. So decision making evaluate the managerial performance.

4. Helpful in planning and policies: Any policy or plan is established through decision making. Without decision making, no plans and policies are performed. In the process of making plans, appropriate decisions must be made from so many alternatives. Therefore decision making is an important process which is helpful in planning.

5. Selecting the best alternatives: Decision making is the process of selecting the best alternatives. It is necessary in every organization because there are many alternatives. So decision makers evaluate various advantages and disadvantages of every alternative and select the best alternative.

6. Successful; operation of business: Every individual, departments and organization make the decisions. In this competitive world; organization can exist when the correct and appropriate decisions are made. Therefore correct decisions help in successful operation of business.

Builds Learning Organizations by Making Learning Routine

The highly complex, interrelated and integrated global economy of the 21st century presents new challenges to managers and employees attempting to effectively compete in such a dynamic business environment. A learning organization is an organization that encourages and facilitates learning in order to continually transform itself to survive and excel in a rapidly changing business environment.

Stimulates Cultural Change and Innovation

Literature on knowledge management and organizational innovation emphasizes the importance of
culture as a major determinant in innovation outcomes. In creating a supportive organizational environment for innovation, several practices relating to cultural barriers have been identified in the literature. As innovation is essentially about converting ideas into something profitable, encouragement to supply ideas needs to be substantial in order to channel the creative ability of the employees to convert ideas into innovations. Therefore, organizations need to facilitate innovation by creating and
maintaining an environment that supports idea generation and creativity.


Grimsley, S. (2013). Learning Organizations: Characteristics, Examples & Quiz.

Chapter 5 » Meaning and Importance of Decision Making - Reference Notes. (2013, January 1). Retrieved October 17, 2014.

Quast, L. (2012, August 20). Why Knowledge Management Is Important To The Success Of Your Company. Retrieved October 17, 2014.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Morals, Ethics and Laws in Blogging

Philippine Center for Investigative Journalism (PCIJ)

Blogger's Code of Ethics has created a model Bloggers’ Code of Ethics, by modifying the Society of Professional Journalists Code of Ethics for the Weblog world. These are just guidelines — in the end it is up to individual bloggers to choose their own best practices. follows this code and urges other Weblogs to adopt this one or similar practices:

Be Honest and Fair

Bloggers should be honest and fair in gathering, reporting and interpreting information.
Bloggers should:

 Never plagiarize.

• Identify and link to sources whenever feasible. The public is entitled to as much information as possible on sources’ reliability.

 Make certain that Weblog entries, quotations, headlines, photos and all other content do not misrepresent. They should not oversimplify or highlight incidents out of context.

 Never distort the content of photos without disclosing what has been changed. Image enhancement is only acceptable for for technical clarity. Label montages and photo illustrations.

• Never publish information they know is inaccurate — and if publishing questionable information, make it clear it’s in doubt.

• Distinguish between advocacy, commentary and factual information. Even advocacy writing and commentary should not misrepresent fact or context.

• Distinguish factual information and commentary from advertising and shun hybrids that blur the lines between the two.

Minimize Harm

Ethical bloggers treat sources and subjects as human beings deserving of respect.

Bloggers should:

• Show compassion for those who may be affected adversely by Weblog content. Use special sensitivity when dealing with children and inexperienced sources or subjects.

• Be sensitive when seeking or using interviews or photographs of those affected by tragedy or grief.

• Recognize that gathering and reporting information may cause harm or discomfort. Pursuit of information is not a license for arrogance.

Recognize that private people have a greater right to control information about themselves than do public officials and others who seek power, influence or attention. Only an overriding public need can justify intrusion into anyone’s privacy.

Show good taste. Avoid pandering to lurid curiosity. Be cautious about identifying juvenile suspects, victims of sex crimes and criminal suspects before the formal filing of charges.

Be Accountable

Bloggers should:

• Admit mistakes and correct them promptly.

 Explain each Weblog’s mission and invite dialogue with the public over its content and the bloggers’ conduct.

• Disclose conflicts of interest, affiliations, activities and personal agendas.

• Deny favored treatment to advertisers and special interests and resist their pressure to influence content. When exceptions are made, disclose them fully to readers.

 Be wary of sources offering information for favors. When accepting such information, disclose the favors.

• Expose unethical practices of other bloggers.

 Abide by the same high standards to which they hold others.


Why I choose Development Communication

by Harmon V. Fabro | October 12, 2014 | Snow Ball Communication

The origins of development communication are embedded in practical efforts and situations of developing countries in their tasks of changing the life styles and improving the economic conditions of the people. One of the originators of the concept, Nora Quebral of the Los Banos University defines development communication as “The art and science of human communication applied to the speedy transformation of a country and the mass of its people from poverty to a dynamic state of economic growth that makes possible equality and target fulfillment of human potential.

On the other hand, communication is only successful when both sender and the receiver understand the same information as a result of communication. The purpose of communication is to send message across to others clearly and unambiguously. Doing this involves effort from both the sender of the message and the receiver. As a result, the science which uses communication to change and motivate people through education and inspiration towards development is development communication or simply, DEVCOM.

We live in a world focused on negative things hapenning around us. We see armed conflict, pollution, market woes,diseases and natural calamities. Even the news are mostly focused on negative and sensational events and sometimes .we get so caught up in the negative circumstances that we fail to notice the positive side of reality. The purpose of DEVCOM is getting people's involvement through education. It will remind us the good things in life, focusing on the wonderful realities to inspire other people. Therefore, development brings about a planned growth intended to tackle poverty,unemployment,gender inequality,improving food,water and energy security,increasing access to education,health care and nutrition, and adapting to climate change.

The development community has come to recognize the private sector as crucial partner in helping to address these challenges. Private sector firms fuel economic growth by driving job creation,generating tax revenues for government,providing goods and services that people need to be productive. The role of the private sector in expanding economic opportunity has a big development impact. Often in partnership with government, non governmental organizations,donors and other companies in order to complete the action for developmental projects.

Developmental communicators devoted to overcome significant challenges along the way. Too often,the poor,women,youth and similar segments remain undeserved because of barriers like insufficient information about their capabilities,needs,aspirations,low level of education,social and cultural norms and misguided policies. Development Communicators have used social investment and partnership with government,non governmental organizations, private sectors and donors to address these barriers .

The development communication is used a empowerment tool. Furthermore, development communication is a form of communication that can be use for development. It is about using communication to change or improve something. Development is about change. Without change, there will be no pleasant surprises, creative ideas or progress in our society. Since there is nothing permanent in life except change, we must step out of our routines and try out something new for a change. In short, think out of the box.

Sources: Pringle, T. (2014, January 27). 5 Essentials for Parish Communications. Retrieved October 12, 2014.

Pros and Cons of E-Communication

E Communication

Communication technology refers to electronic communication, like cell phones, social networking websites, and email. The effects of communication technology on the communication process is plentiful. Some of these effects are positive, while others are negative.

  • Accessibility

Communication technology has created many electronic communication tools. These electronic communication tools have made the world a more connected place.

  • Mass Communication
Electronic communication, especially email, makes sharing information with a large group of people easy. Many businesses and academic institutions use electronic communication to send information to a large number of people.

  • Social Relief

People who are socially awkward in person can interact easier with others through electronic communication. Chat rooms, online forums, and dating websites are among the technology which can relieve the socially awkward.

  • Digital Divide

Not everyone has the same level of expertise with communication technology. The difference in communication technology skills within groups of people is known as the digital divide.

  • Nonverbal Communication

In face to face communication, nonverbal communication, like facial expressions and body language, reinforces your message. Communication technology does not allow for nonverbal communication.

  • Laziness
Communication technology creates laziness for some people. People who use electronic communication to talk to somebody in the same room are displaying lazy behavior.


Zhachary, F. (2009, December 12). Communication Technology Pros and Cons. Retrieved October 20, 2014.

Sunday, October 12, 2014


89.5 Star Fm Baguio

Shining bright and keeping the banner of air wave supremacy in the City of Baguio, 89.5 STAR FM currently enjoys the status of being the most listened to radio station in the city. Now running towards its 23rd year of commercial broadcast operation, 89.5 STAR FM had its early beginnings way back in August 1991, when Baguio was still recovering from the ruins of the July 1990 killer quake.

  Star Fm's 23rd year, of ruling the airwaves of Baguio and the nearby provinces, with spill-overs from up to as far as Tarlac, Pangasinan and La Union. We form part of a whole network of 20 AM and 11 FM stations, all contributing to the present status of Bombo Radyo Philippines as the Number One Radio Network in the Country, still growing and sowing the seeds of responsible broadcasting and air wave supremacy across the nation.

"Serving Baguio City through Music and Information,you're on Baguio City's Most Dynamic music station of Bombo Radyo Phils, 89.5 Star Fm".

  Now, fast developing technology is fueling an information revolution. The new media, digital broadcasting and the internet are sweeping away the limitations of the analogue world. The nature of the relationship between the broadcaster and its audience is changing. We are broadcasting online grabbing the ears and eyes of netizens, have the potential to become viable alternatives to on-air broadcasting. The reach of broadcasting stations is limited by signal range, whereas online broadcasting is available wherever internet coverage is available. There are no boundaries.

Radios are a part of everyday life. Not only are they used to play music or as alarms in the morning, they are also used in cordless phones, cell phones, baby monitors, garage door openers, toys, satellites, and radar. 

  Radios also play an important role in communications for police, fire, industry, and the military. Although there are many types of radios—clock, car, amateur (ham), stereo—all contain the same basic components.

"FM Station is made to provide entertainment/information to its listeners"

  The radio was originally invented to transfer different reports across vast areas in very little time. Over the years it has evolved to transmit music as well. The radio is now used to entertain vast amounts of people in otherwise 'disconnected' areas. Radio is available worldwide as there are countless radio stations with massive amounts of listeners.


(2012, December 19). Retrieved October 9, 2014, from

Thursday, October 9, 2014

September Calendar of Events


105th Charter Day celebration

The city of pines will be celebrating its 105th Baguio Charter Day anniversary this September 1 with a theme, 

“Shared Responsibilities, Duties and                                             Resources For A Vibrant Baguio”.

Family Month Celebration

From September 1 to 30 with this year's theme: 

" Celebrating the Filipino Family, Resilient And Caring" 

Mama Mary's Birthday   
Monday(Every 8th of September)


Sunday (Every 2nd Sunday of September) An annual celebration to pay tribute to all the awesome grandparents.


 World Suicide Prevention  Day - 10 September, 2014

                            "Suicide Prevention: One World Connected"

World Heart Day - 29 September,2014

"World heart day at the heart of health"


Holiday Insights : September, 2014 Holidays, Bizarre, Unique, Special Days. (n.d.). Retrieved October 3, 2014.