Monday, October 20, 2014

Why I choose Development Communication

by Harmon V. Fabro | October 12, 2014 | Snow Ball Communication

The origins of development communication are embedded in practical efforts and situations of developing countries in their tasks of changing the life styles and improving the economic conditions of the people. One of the originators of the concept, Nora Quebral of the Los Banos University defines development communication as “The art and science of human communication applied to the speedy transformation of a country and the mass of its people from poverty to a dynamic state of economic growth that makes possible equality and target fulfillment of human potential.

On the other hand, communication is only successful when both sender and the receiver understand the same information as a result of communication. The purpose of communication is to send message across to others clearly and unambiguously. Doing this involves effort from both the sender of the message and the receiver. As a result, the science which uses communication to change and motivate people through education and inspiration towards development is development communication or simply, DEVCOM.

We live in a world focused on negative things hapenning around us. We see armed conflict, pollution, market woes,diseases and natural calamities. Even the news are mostly focused on negative and sensational events and sometimes .we get so caught up in the negative circumstances that we fail to notice the positive side of reality. The purpose of DEVCOM is getting people's involvement through education. It will remind us the good things in life, focusing on the wonderful realities to inspire other people. Therefore, development brings about a planned growth intended to tackle poverty,unemployment,gender inequality,improving food,water and energy security,increasing access to education,health care and nutrition, and adapting to climate change.

The development community has come to recognize the private sector as crucial partner in helping to address these challenges. Private sector firms fuel economic growth by driving job creation,generating tax revenues for government,providing goods and services that people need to be productive. The role of the private sector in expanding economic opportunity has a big development impact. Often in partnership with government, non governmental organizations,donors and other companies in order to complete the action for developmental projects.

Developmental communicators devoted to overcome significant challenges along the way. Too often,the poor,women,youth and similar segments remain undeserved because of barriers like insufficient information about their capabilities,needs,aspirations,low level of education,social and cultural norms and misguided policies. Development Communicators have used social investment and partnership with government,non governmental organizations, private sectors and donors to address these barriers .

The development communication is used a empowerment tool. Furthermore, development communication is a form of communication that can be use for development. It is about using communication to change or improve something. Development is about change. Without change, there will be no pleasant surprises, creative ideas or progress in our society. Since there is nothing permanent in life except change, we must step out of our routines and try out something new for a change. In short, think out of the box.

Sources: Pringle, T. (2014, January 27). 5 Essentials for Parish Communications. Retrieved October 12, 2014.

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