Sunday, September 14, 2014

Development Communication

Development Communication

Definition of Development

Seers (1969) said that it involves raising the mass of the people from poverty, illiteracy, unemployment, and social inequality. Therefore, development leads to the realization of the potential of the human personality.  

Quebral (1971) development is the speedy transformation of a country and the mass of its people from poverty to dynamic state of economic growth that makes possible greater social quality and the larger fulfillment of the human potential.

Sandoval (1975) development refers to a rise in income plus changes in the economic and social structure.

Feliciano (1986) development encompasses three types: 

   1.Technological development - It is the acquisition of new skills in the farms and houses.

   2. Economic development - This refers to the application of new agricultural practices to increase food production. It also includes a nationwide program of agrarian reform and cooperative development.   
   3.Social and Cultural development - changes from old values to new ones and, in general, change in modes of living which result in human well being.

Schumacher (1975) emphasized, for instance, that development does not start with goods. It starts with people and education, organization, and discipline. To him " alleviation of poverty depends primarily on the removal of this deficiencies". 

Ong (1976) Therefore says that it really means developing people. Then, the people will change their environment. The development factors ,economy,social justice,moral values,attitude. 

There is no Universal definition of development. Development is relative : its meaning varies based on 
ones situation and experiences. Development is multi-dimensional.


Ebitha, M. (2014). Overview development. In Introduction to development communication. Benguet State University.

Classes Forming Now. (n.d.). Retrieved September 14, 2014.


Monday, September 8, 2014


Executive Order No. 66, s. 2012


Section 1. Automatic Cancellation or Suspension of Classes and Work in Government Offices.

a. When Signal No. 1 is raised by PAGASA, classes at the pre-school level, in the affected area, shall be automatically cancelled or suspended.

b. When Signal No. 2 is raised by PAGASA, classes at the pre-school, elementary and secondary levels, in the affected area, shall be automatically cancelled or suspended.

c. When Signal No. 3 or higher is raised by PAGASA, classes at pre-school, elementary, secondary, and tertiary levels, in the affected area, including graduate school, as well as work in all government offices, shall be automatically cancelled or suspended.

Section 2. Localized Cancellation or Suspension of Classes and Work in Government Offices. In the absence of typhoon signal warnings from PAGASA, localized cancellation or suspension of classes and work in government offices may be implemented by local chief executives, as chairmen of the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Council (LDRRMC) concerned, in coordination with PAGASA and the NDRRMC, specifically in flood-prone or high risk areas.

Section 3. Cancellation or Suspension of Classes and Work in the Government During Other Calamities. Classes in all levels in both public and private schools as well as work in the government offices may be cancelled or suspended in areas affected by disasters or calamities other than typhoons, such as but not limited to floods, earthquakes, tsunami and conflagration, upon the declaration by the President of a State of Calamity based on the recommendation of the NDRRMC.

The concerned Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Management Office (LDRRMO) headed by the local chief executive shall be responsible for announcing the suspension of classes and work in the government offices in the affected areas in coordination with the NDRRMC, through all forms of mass media available under the circumstances.

Section 4. Maintenance of Work Force. In the event of cancellation or suspension of work in government offices due to any of the foregoing circumstances, the following government agencies, particularly those directly involved in disaster risk reduction and management, shall maintain the operations of their respective offices to ensure the continuity of the delivery of services to the public:

a. Office of the Executive Secretary
b. Department of National Defense
c. Department of the Interior and Local Government
d. Department of Social Welfare and Development
e. Department of Science and Technology
f. Department of Health
g. Department of Public Works and Highways
h. Department of Education
i. Other agencies whose operations the President or the NDRRMC may deem necessary.

The Heads of Offices of the foregoing agencies shall determine which of their respective divisions or units, particularly those related to disaster risk reduction and management, shall maintain its operations.
Section 5. Report to the President. The NDRRMC chaired by the Secretary of National Defense shall immediately inform the Office of the President, through the Executive Secretary, of the cancellation or suspension of classes and work in government offices in the affected areas.
Section 6. Concurrent Authority. The Office of the President, through the Executive Secretary, shall have concurrent authority with the NDRRMC to cancel or suspend classes and work in government offices in the affected areas.
The PAGASA shall issue weather forecasts through various media outlets (radio and television), and the NDRRMC, not later than 10:00 PM of the previous day and 4:30 AM of the day of the intended cancellation of classes and work. In cases where there are classes and work in the morning and suspension of classes and work is only effective in the afternoon, PAGASA should issue the forecast not later than 11:00 AM of the said day.


Executive Order No. 66, s. 2012 | Official Gazette of the Republic of the Philippines. (2012, January 9). Retrieved October 2, 2014.